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Green 3D Shield Environment Services

1. GENS Surface and Air Quality Test (ASQT)

2. Contract Cleaning Services

GENS offers professional contract Dry Ice cleaning services performed at your facility.? You have ready access to our 8 years of expertise and a full range of single and dual hose Dry Ice cleaning machines and peripheral specialty equipment. We can provide the dry ice blasting equipment, drying equipment, compressed air supply, pellet or block dry ice media and a team of trained and experienced operators to perform professional cleaning services at your facility.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming licensed applicator/contractor.

We have limited territories available.

Our company will supply new applicators/contractors with necessary equipment, tools and training.

3. Interior Protective Clear Coating:

4. Exterior Protective Coating

5. Touch-Point Application for Bacteria and Mould Control:

Typical clients:


Installation of self-sanitizing natural mineral coating on walls and ceilings inside food processing plants, clean rooms, hospitals, offices, homes or public places helps to reduce to a minimum any potential risk of air and surface biocontamination.